Our welcoming and inviting environment is situated in a secure scout hall in the heart of Weston, Southampton. The safety of our children is paramount. We risk assess our environments and have CCTV in our building and surrounding area. All of our staff members have safeguarding training and our setting manager is the designated safeguarding lead.
We offer a variety of sessions and are open term time only Monday – Friday, 38 weeks of the year. We offer a morning and afternoon session as well as a breakfast and lunch club. We provide care for funded and paying children and accept children with the 30 hour funding.

At Tickleford Preschool, we provide children with the fantastic opportunity to explore, discover and grow together on a daily basis. Our free flow ethos allow children the opportunity to investigate all areas of our preschool at a pace that they desire.
We are very lucky to have a spacious and secure outdoor area which is located in a wooded area. The children have the opportunity to experience daily outings around our local area allowing them to explore both the built and the natural environment. Our outdoor learning programme “Tickleford Preschool Outdoor Explorers” take children on a new adventure every day. Our children and staff visit the local shop, library, allotment and residential care home as well as visiting Woolston via the local bus. We have pet chickens at our allotment in which the children show great love, care and concern for when collecting their eggs. Every outing that the children go on, develops their knowledge of understanding the world. The children are able to talk about the things that they have observed and can comment and ask questions about aspects of the world. We sought permission from the parents and risk assess every journey and the places that we are visiting. Our staff and children love our adventures and look forward to each one. The parents love hearing what their excited children got up to that day.

The key person is responsible for recognising children development, understanding their needs, planning the child’s next steps and activities to meet these. Ongoing assessments and observations are completed on all children throughout their time at Tickleford Preschool. To do this we use an online system called Tapestry to assess the children’s ages and stages this results in observations which will be published to you on a regular basis. Only the parents and staff at Tickleford Preschool can access the information on tapestry. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework which gives us guidelines to the goals children need to meet.
At Tickleford Preschool, you can be sure that we provide quality and consistency so that every child makes good progress and no child gets left behind. A secure foundation through learning and development opportunities which are planned around the individual needs and interest of every child. Excellent parent partnership and an equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and supported.