Welcome to Tickleford Preschool
Where we explore, discover and grow together…
Every child deserves the best possible start in life and we at Tickleford Preschool support and enable every child to fulfil their full potential. Our highly trained staff offer a wide range of stimulating activities on a daily basis and we strongly believe that children should be offered an exciting environment in which every child can experience a new adventure every day!
What do Ofsted say
“Children play in a happy, relaxed and welcoming environment. They are motivated to join in and are enthusiastic learners”
What do Ofsted say
“The staff use their knowledge of the children effectively to plan for their individual needs.”
What do parents say
“We couldn’t rate this preschool as highly as we would like as the stars only go up to 5 but its definitely 10/10.”
What do parents say
“This has to be one of the best preschools out there. The staff, each and every one of them are amazing.”
What do parents say
“Everyone is lovely. Daughter settled in and is doing brilliantly. My 3rd child to attend this preschool!”

If you would like any information or to book a visit please contact us on:

“The eduction of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.”
– Maria Montessori